Media Waiver

Applicable to: Performance Squads Developmental 1 - Mondays & Wednesdays Developmental 1 - Tuesdays & Thursdays Developmental 2 - Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays Developmental 2 - Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

By registering my child or guardian in Edmonton Humahumanakanakapaua Swim Club ("HUMA"), I hereby give consent for the use of my child's or guardian's possible achievements, results, photos or videos that may be posted on HUMA's social media, team website or team newsletter. I am aware that by giving this consent my child's or guardian's presence can be viewed within HUMA's publications.

I understand this consent may be withdrawn at any time with a written notice and that future use of my child's or guardian's presence will immediately cease. Revoking this release does not include any images already posted. I give this consent voluntarily.