2025 Program Fees

Waikiki Waves

$460 per swimmer
plus ASSA fee ($60)*

Maui Mavericks

$460 per swimmer
plus ASSA fee ($60)*

Hilo Hurricanes

$510 per swimmer
plus ASSA fee ($60)*

Aloha Aces

$510 per swimmer
plus ASSA fee ($60)*

Group A

$610 per swimmer
plus ASSA fee ($60)*

Group B

$720 per swimmer
plus ASSA fee ($60)*

Group C

$795 per swimmer
plus ASSA fee ($60)*

* About ASSA Fees

HUMA collects the ASSA fees but remits them to the Alberta Summer Swimming Association.

All Program Fees Include:

  • HUMA T-shirt
  • HUMA team silicone swim cap
  • Entry fees for all swim meets
  • Ticket to the year-end Awards Night

Billing of Fees and Assessments:

  • All swimmers will be invoiced the following fees at the time of registration:
    • Waikiki Waves and Maui Mavericks swimmers will pay a session fee of $460 plus ASSA fee ($60)
    • Hilo Hurricanes and Aloha Aces swimmers will pay a session fee of $510 plus ASSA fee ($60)
    • Performance swimmers will pay a base session fee of $610 plus ASSA fee ($60)
  • Fees will be charged to the account holder's credit card on file with HUMA, three (3) calendar days after registration is finalized.
  • Performance swimmers are assessed during the first two weeks of the summer swim season.
  • Upon completion of the assessment period, each Performance swimmer will be assigned to their Performance squad.
  • Swimmers assigned to Group B and Group C squads will then be invoiced the applicable supplemental session fee amounts, representing the difference between the base session fees paid at registration and the total session fee for their assigned squad.
  • Supplemental session fees will be charged to the account holder's credit card on file with HUMA.
  • Note that administrative processing fees are applied to all credit card payments.
  • Swimmers who are assigned to a squad with lower session fees will receive a refund equivalent to the difference between the session fee paid at registration and the applicable session fee of their assigned squad.